
Middle School Clinic: For All New Dancers

Blitz Fundraising Events: Selling Discount Cards

Each year we gather as a team for the blitz fundraiser. This is our biggest fundraiser of the season and helps covers the cost for things, such as costumes, transportation, morning practice snacks, competition day breakfasts, etc. Fundraising is a vital part of making our team possible and each dancer is required to participate. We gather at a dancers home and from there we split off into small groups and go out into our community to sell the cards. 

Sunday, June 2nd 2024- Blitz Day One (time and location TBD)

Sunday, June 9th 2024- Blitz Day Two (time and location TBD)

Monday, June 10th 2024 - Blitz Day Three (time and location TBD)

Just for Kix (JFK) Summer Camp: July 21 - July 24, 2024

Team Bonding Events: 2024-2025 Dates and Times TBD *see team calendar for updates

*if fundraising goals are not met, some team bonding events may be canceled.

Team Yoga: Payed for by the Boosters

Senior Show: December 28th, 2024 at 12pm in the West Gymnasium 

Each year we honor our seniors by having a senior show. All teams participate and between dances we showcase our senior dancers! Great opportunity for family and friends to watch and this event is FREE for all spectators!

Team Volunteering at Feed My Starving Children: December 18, 2024 5-6:30pm

Sections Banquet: TBD

Team Banquet: February 23, 2025 at Majestic Oaks Golf Club